Distractions: That Q&A chain letter thingie

Thank you, Sienna at It’s Baby Time—who’s glorious freaking BFP and hiiiiiigh 1st Beta have me bouncing off the walls with joy!!!—for tagging me in your Q&A post. Since I am sorta floating along waiting for our NT Scan and 12 weeks check-up, I thought this would be a nice way to pass the time without repulsing you all with stories of Crinone and constie-ness. 🙂 Time for some lighter fare!

(1) What is your dream occupation?

Honestly I am doing my dream job, which is pretty darn awesome!!! However, when I Walter Mitty other careers, I think about owning a spa/boutique, like Ruby Room in Chicago. Hubs daydreams about opening an old school pub with an awesome beer list and chill, homey vibe and I would be cool with helping him out with that, too. 🙂 My other fantasy is that I go to med school and get an M.D. so I can be an RE and help couples make their dreams come true, like Dr. Awesome did for us. Okay, that’s a bit much and pretty time consuming by the time you factor in the whole residency thing, so maybe in this fantasy I’ll be an RE’s nurse—more patient interaction!

(2) What is the best dish that you can cook?

Hubs and I absolutely love, love, love to cook, but the truth is that I am his sous chef for most dishes. When left to my own devices, I can make a mean baked ziti and chicken and dumplings soup. I also love baking desserts, especially chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin pie, rice pudding and caramel cake for my husband’s Christmas Eve bday.

(3) Have you ever been mentioned in the newspaper? What for?

Yes, in high school I was a super-jock and showed up in print for endeavors in tennis, basketball and soccer. Also, we made the paper when we got married, haha!

(4) what’s the worst and/or most memorable job you’ve ever had?

When I was 24 and living in NYC, I left the world of investment banking for a TOTALLY different career path. It was a huge risk and I am so so so lucky it 110% paid off. I adore what I do. I truly love my job right now, even though I don’t love the hours or the salary. And I would really like to be able to work for myself from home if we are lucky enough to have these babies. That is a work in progress.

(5) When you were a teenager, at what age did you envision yourself getting married? How old were you in reality when you got married?

I thought I’d be married by 25ish and pregnant/a Mom by 27. As it turns out, hubs and I began dating at age 21, didn’t get married until we were 27, and then it took us another four years to be ready for kids and to start trying for them and to actually conceive. My due date is two weeks after my 32nd birthday, but since twins tend come early, we’ll see.

(6) What’s your most hated household chore? What’s your favorite?

I despise taking out the trash. ‘Nuf said.

I looooove doing the laundry. I think this is because until two years ago I lived in apartment building situations where I’d have to go down to a dungeon and put in quarter after quarter to do a load of laundry. In our last building, I used to bemoan laundry days from the months of December to March, when our steps were icy and the air was bitterly cold and I would venture into the frigid outdoors into multiple underground laundry rooms in our sprawling building, ferreting away load after load so I was getting as much done at once as possible. It was easily a ½ day weekend job and I really made it stressful with my need to get it done as QUICKLY as possible, so sucky! Now, ahhhhh, we have a washer and drier in our apartment and I feel grateful for that each time I put in a load. Seriously, I could write sonnets to our wonderful washer and dryer.

(7) What’s your earliest memory?

I grew up in farm country in Kansas. My earliest memory—from when I was maybe 2 or 3 years old—is of my older brother and I clomping around a wood pile behind the house searching for a snake we’d seen from a distance. I am not kidding, that’s what we were up to when left running wild. We moved out of the country by the time I was 5 years old. I am such a city girl now, it’s hard to imagine me fearless with nature like that. But I still love flannel shirts and cowboy boots!

I am passing this along to four lovely bloggies who I have just begun following—and adoring—this past summer and who I haven’t seen answer these Qs yet!!! If you’re not into this sort of thing, no worries. 🙂

1) Rosie at Infertile in Italy

2) B at My So-Called (TTC) Life

3) CW at My Path to Insanity and Beyond

4) Ruth at No Baby Ruth: Playing Baseball Without a Bat


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11 responses to “Distractions: That Q&A chain letter thingie

  1. I also refuse to take out the trash. Thank God for wonderful husbands who pick up the slack in that department! 🙂

  2. Such a fun list! I’m the same way with the laundry – after years of scary laundry rooms, it is SO nice to have it in our apt. Nevermind that it’s in a closet in our dining/living room 🙂

  3. Fun stuff! It’s such a joy to have a career you love.

  4. FCblacksheep

    Investment banking?!? I didn’t see that one coming. Also hate taking out the trash but not a fan of laundry either.

  5. Yes! Sunday Stylesers unite!

    I completely share your love of laundry for the exact same reason. Having an in-unit washer/dryer after years without is a kind of heaven suburbanites will never truly understand 🙂

  6. CW

    ok my questionaire completed. Was fun to remember those old jobs not so much fun to remember that old fart that caused me grief!

    Almost the end of trimester one – woot woot go team egg

  7. Thanks for tagging me! I’ll have to get my thinking cap on!

    I also am a country-girl turned city-woman. I lived on a farm in eastern Tennessee until I was about 5. My sister and I were always catching bugs and spiders. We moved to what was then a pretty “rustic” St. Louis suburb where I lived until going to college. That suburb is not nearly so rustic nowadays, but when we were younger we were constantly climbing through the creeks, jumping over downed trees and swinging on vines. I miss those days!

  8. Pingback: All About Me « No Baby Ruth: Playing Baseball Without a Bat

  9. Oh, I heart you for the shout out, Egg :). Your list, honestly, was one of the most interesting to read. I only hope I can live up to your list when I do mine. xo

  10. Tarah

    I hate mopping – that is my most hated choir. I usually wait until DH can’t stand it any longer and does it himself. It wouldn’t be so bad if our kitchen tile wasn’t so crappy but it is…we need to replace it!

  11. ugh, it makes me crazeee that i can’t access your blog from work anymore. it makes no sense!!!

    thanks for the mention in this post and for being such a good support system :o) you know, going through all this IF stuff, it’s made me wish on more than a few occasions that i was an RE as well. but like you said, too much time and effort at this point in our lives to go back to school for that. wishingful thinking will have to do, i guess!

    i hope the days fly by until your NT scan!! xoxo :o)

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