All good, allllll of us!!!

Everything is okay! Thank you, Lord!

I have an enlarged right ovary and a Mama cystie hanging out on him. That’s what’s causing the sharp stabby pains that began yesterday. And even though I don’t notice a difference in how I feel, apparently my hormones are firing away.

BECAUSE NOW THERE ARE TWO GESTATIONAL SACS!!! Holy crap, that “shadow” was a second baby. Both have yolk sacs, and there is a flickering heart visible in one. Our second (surprise) poppy seed is a day behind the one we saw on Friday (5w4d and 5w3d). Oh my GOSH you guys!!!! We are having twins!

We are on Cloud Nine. And also completely and totally freaking out. (In a good way.)

I’m so happy we’re heading off on vacay and can begin to let this sink in. And I think hubs is going to need a drink or two, stat. 🙂


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43 responses to “All good, allllll of us!!!

  1. Holy Crap! That is awesome and what a surprise! So happy for you! To think we first “met” when cycling together and now we are pregnant together. Life is awesome! Enjoy your vacation- you deserve it.

  2. OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG!!! What a wonderful surprise, my friend!!! I JUST commented on your last post that it surely was just a cyst since you are so darn good at growing them and it turns out that in the end you are awfully good at growing babies, too!! Congrats to you both for such a great send-off on your incredibly well-earned vacation!!!

  3. OH MY GOD!!! (Again, I know that’s what I said last time, but seriously!)

    Two Good Eggs in there! You could be done in one!

    You enjoy that vacation!

    (And is it wrong that I’m secretly hoping I get knocked up with twins through IUI now?)

  4. That’s fantastic!!!!!

  5. OMG!!! Best news ever:) So excited for you, enjoy your vacation.

  6. Jen

    Awesome news! So happy for you!

  7. brianne

    AHHHHHHHHHHHH! so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Tarah


    I’m on cloud nine with you – that is AMAZING NEWS!!! So fantastic! I hope this pregnancy continues to be healthy & happy and wonderful!


  9. AL

    YAY! TWINS!! So glad ALL of you are doing well <3.

  10. Oh. my. gosh. That’s amazing news! I was not expecting this. 🙂 (Of course, I’m sure you weren’t either.) YAY!!!!!!!!!! I’m so happy for you, and I’m glad that EVERYONE is doing well. 🙂

  11. D

    Twins!! How amazingly exciting…congratulations!

  12. Jin

    Surprise!!!! LOL!

    I saw your title in my reader and was like…hmmm, that sounds like there’s another “egglet” in there. Congrats!

  13. Amy

    THAT IS AMAZING!!!! Oh my god, I am so happy for you. Your head must be spinning! What wonderful news to start your vacation. Only happy thoughts for a while, right?! enjoy enjoy enjoy zen zen zen. I’ll miss you this week 🙂

  14. Well, how ’bout THAT! Congrats! And what a great vacation send-off! That makes my day.

  15. EGG! TWINS! AND A HEARTBEAT! This is so wonderful, words just can’t express it. Have a fabulous vacation full of distraction and joy. And I hope when you get back we’ll get to hear about two heartbeats!

  16. OH MY GOSH! This is so exciting! Twins! So glad everything is not just okay, but amazing! That Dr. Awesome…what an overachiever, huh? 🙂
    Congrats and have an awesome vacation! Yay!

  17. OMG!! I wasn’t expecting that, but I was suspecting it. Good for you! Twice the love and twice the fun. Now get your DH a drink before he faints. 🙂

  18. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH TWINS!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats, Egg! You deserve this. Enjoy every second of it. How very very exciting!

  19. Wow, what a blessing 🙂

  20. Ash

    I’ve been reading your blog for awhile and this has forced me to stop lurking as I am just so happy for you!!! Wow, twins:) 🙂 That is so wonderful!! Congratulations!

  21. CONGRATULATIONS!! What wonderful news. Can’t wait to hear more about the twins! Have a wonderful vacation and make sure you celebrate!

  22. Kelly

    Holy Shit! Awesome!

  23. Wow, that is just so incredible! Two!!! I’m so so happy!

  24. Zully

    OMG I’m so happy for you guys!!!!!!! God has blessed you with two little angels my friend. Enjoy every minute of it!! Muah

  25. Squeeeeee! So relieved to hear that everything is hunky-dory and even more elated to hear that YOUR UTE IS DOUBLY OCCUPIED! xo

  26. holy crap! yaaaay! congrats…twice! 🙂

  27. Yay!!!!! Welcome to the twins club. 🙂 Let me know if you have any questions!

  28. Sarah P

    Oh. My. Gosh. That is AMAZING news! I’m sooo happy for you!!! Have a great vacation and take care of yourself and your little ones!!!!!!

  29. Twins!! OMG, you must be freaking out! Enjoy what’s sure to be the best vacation ever!

  30. CW

    OMG!!!! That is AWESOME news what a great two for one deal! Have a great break! Twins gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  31. FCblacksheep

    Oh Egg! This is amazing. Doubly blessed. I’m so happy for both of you.

  32. I can’t put into words how I am feeling right now! I had to run and tell Clint about this amazing double blessing! I am so excited for you and hubs! “Good things come to those who wait” I suppose! Love you!!

  33. holy shit, the news keeps getting better. just logged on for a quick second while on vacay to see if there was any big news in bloggy land and your post is the first i’m reading. congraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaats!! this is soooo freakin awesome. grow babies, grow grow grow :o) xoxoxoxo and enjoy your vacay!!

  34. Heidi

    double blessed! wow, i hope the memory of this feeling lasts forever–you must be absolutely elated 🙂 congrats!

  35. So, I read your update while sitting at a red light tonight– then cried my entire drive home. Egg, you so deserve this– not one, but TWO beautiful babies. I couldn’t be more excited for you and can’t wait to read all about the next chapter in your life!!

  36. EGG!!!!!! How could I have been so wrapped in my own drama yesterday and not seen that YOU are having TWINS!!! What I love about you most is that you knew I was in pain and never once mentioned it in an e-mail about your wonderful news. You, my friend, are a thoughtful and wonderful person. You deserve the VERY best. And I hope that both little poppyseeds continue to grow and grow happily and healthfully :). xo

  37. Tio

    Holy crap! Congratulations, that is SO. FREAKING. EXCITING.

  38. Awesome and exciting news, Egg!!! Congratulations times 2!!

  39. gingerandlime

    Not one but two Good Eggs…what wonderful news! Yay!!!!!!!

  40. delurking to say congratulations!

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